Dee Caffari and her yacht Aviva, set off on the Aviva Challenge from the UK in October 2005, sailing single-handed, non-stop, around the world against the prevailing wind and currents.
She arrived back after 178 days and sailing more than 29,100 miles. She is the first women to ever successfully achieve this new world record -straight into the record books on Thursday 19th May 2006 after battling with huge seas and 60 knot winds.
This is a monumental acheivement for women in sailing. Not only is Dee a fantastic ambassadore for Aviva and the Challenge Group, she also sends a fantastic message to women.
Mandy from Boatshed.com was out on the water to see Dee come in and managed to have a quick chat with Dee, to wish her well and to congratulate her on her acheivement.
"It was really very special seeing Dee come in and hearing the interviews at the press conference onshore. Quite a lump in my throat"
"if you have a goal, act upon it, get out there and do it"
Well done Dee, what an acheivement.....
Mandy Chapman, Boatshed.com